Boss Locations
Images and info taken from here. Special thanks to site author Doug.
If you can provide info and screen shots of boss locations, please contact me :)
Table of Contents
Drunken Fisherman - Docklands

Ogre Outcast - Travlers Way

Newt - Ashen Trail

Water Saviour Elemental - Scorched Lands

Mossy Chimp - Fern grove

Sylivian Bowman - Spruce Woods

Deformed Griffon - Mosslands

Moss Mummy - Dun lvl 1

Rabid Heyna - Grasslands

Bloodtusked Elephant - Plains

Sandskin Goblin - South passage

Firerock Elemental - South Dread

War Beetle - Petrified Forest

Legionary Orc - Orc Camp

Ogreling - North Passage

Moss Harvester - Dun Lvl 2

Mountain Goat - North Dread

Razorclaw Monkey - Rocklands

Golem - Active Volcano

Imp Lord - Lavalands

Angel Of Darkness - Obsidian Swamp

Mumified Goblin - Dun Lvl 3

Orc General - Orc fortress

Black Panther - Halcyon River